Thursday, June 21, 2012

Blog Post #2

Technology for Online Standardized Testing vs. Technology for Teaching, Learning, and Creative Inquiry

Full article found here:

“The report also identifies challenges, including:
  • The demand for personalized learning is not adequately supported by current technology or practices.
  • Digital media literacy continues its rise in importance as a key skill in every discipline and profession.
  • Economic pressures and new models of education are bringing unprecedented competition to traditional primary and secondary schools.
  • Institutional barriers present formidable challenges to moving forward in a constructive way with emerging technologies.
  • Learning that incorporates real life experiences is not occurring enough and is undervalued when it does take place.
  • Putting 21st century technology into 19th century schools is a major undertaking.
  • We are not using digital media for formative assessment the way we could and should.

I'm looking forward to the full report. Until then, here are more questions to chew on:
1) Do you believe these technologies will be in your school or classroom in the near future?
2) Given the learning potential of these emerging technologies, does your school have a healthy balance between how technology is used for high stakes test preparation and for activities that integrate higher-level thinking, collaboration, problem solving, and creativity?
3) Are ALL students in your district benefiting from technology?”

My Response:

While our school does not currently use technology for high stakes test taking and uses it very little for test preparation, I know it will very soon.  Your question about whether or not there will be a balance between test taking preparation and activities for higher level thinking is a good one.  I would like to say yes, but in all reality, the answer is probably no.  Until we get away from high stakes testing, I think schools will continued to be  pressured to use their time in preparation.  I also do not feel that ALL students in our district are benefiting from technology.  Many teachers are underprepared and overwhelmed with new technology and do not have enough training to use them for more than word processing.  It will be several years before all students benefit even if the technology is available.

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